Repositorio BiblioMigra
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ID  384  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   Gender and Spanish-Language Maintenance among U.S.-born Hispanic Children in the Southwest: Evidence from the 2001-2006 American Community Surveys
Autor:  Mora, Marie T.
ID  385  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   Spanish-as-Threat Ideology and the Sociocultural Context of Spanish in South Texas
Autor:  Wolford, Tonya E. Carter, Phillip M.
ID  386  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   The State(s) of Spanish in the Southwest: A Comparative Study of Language Maintenance and Socioeconomic Variables
Autor:  Jenkins, Devin L.
ID  387  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   Acculturation and Communicative Need in the Process of Language Shift: The Case of an Arizona Community
Autor:  Rivera-Mills, Susana V.
ID  388  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   Variable 'yo' Expression in New Mexico: English Influence?
Autor:  Torres Cacoullous, Rena Travis, Catherine E.
ID  389  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   Passive Expressions as Isogloss between New Mexican and Californian Spanish Dialect Areas
Autor:  Gubitosi, Patricia
ID  390  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   An Analysis of the Motivations for Borrowing in the Spanish of New Mexico
Autor:  Clegg, Jens H.
ID  391  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   'Y nos vamos patrás': Back to an Analysis of Supposed 'Calque'
Autor:  Villa, Daniel J.
ID  392  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   'I'm not mexican... pero soy mexicano': Linguistic Context of Labelling among Mexican Americans in Texas
Autor:  Dowling, Julie A.
ID  393  -  Acceso Público
TITULO :   Attitudes toward Spanish Language Variation among Latinas Living in Western Colorado
Autor:  Anderson, Tyler K.
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